Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Welcome to the Chicken Ranch

Welcome to the "New" Chicken Ranch......and no I don't mean the best little whore house in Foley!!

For awhile now my husband has been wanting chickens, and has been telling me how he is going to get some. Well it started with getting 3 hens & 1 rooster, then a couple weeks later he says it will just be 3 hens, then the other night he says 5 hens. Well I came home tonight and we are now the parents of 9, yes I said 9 baby chickens or chicks. He said all they had left were 9 and he was going to buy 6 and that he couldn't leave the last 3 there all by themselves. I keep thinking "Thank Goodness They Are Not Great Danes!" He wanted to get them for this weekend, he thought it would be fun to have them here when everyone came out on Saturday. I will admit they are cute, but really how much fun are they, all they do is poop! I would rather have my neice poop on me, then it would be worth it! Soooooooo here are some picks of our 9 new babies!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The kids have finally started school!! YAAA!! Yesterday was their first day, We had the bus numbers wrong, so which also means we had pickup times wrong. Kayla missed her bus, so I had to take her. It is nice knowing that they are not home all day long trashing my house. Bill gets home before I do and everyday I was waiting for his blood pressure to shoot out the top of his head from fighting with the kids about the messes they had made and not cleaned up. The really nice thing was that my sink wasn't piled with dishes and there wasn't food and sticky stuff all over the counter tops. There were just a couple of sticky spots on the floor, which was easy to take care of.

Kenny & I went an seen Pirates of Caribeen 2 on Sunday. Very good movie, Just the drive to go see it sucked!! We don't go to the movies very often, so when we do go, I don't say no if the kids want something.....It is amazing how quick $45.00 can go!!

Well I need to get ready for work......Have a great day!!!