At 8:30 tonight we had our first baby born. It is now 9:45 and we have 3 so far. 2 are black & gray, the 3rd one is pure white. We are unsure of the white one right now, it is only a few minutes old, but not showing any signs of life right now. Hopefully it will pull through.
I will update more later. Bill has been taking pictures. Our poor Cheyenne is sooo tired.
11:29-She has had 5 so far, the 5th was about an hour ago. The 3rd one that was born didn't make it. The 4th one looks like Zeus, Bill has been calling it Zeus Jr. cause it is veeerrryyyy vocal! It has been very loud and crying alot. She feels like she has one or two more left in her yet. We are afraid to go to bed, we want to be with her in case she needs help. Bill has been calling them bar brats, cause they were born under the bar.
6:25 am.........No more babies, we have a black & gray one, a black & tan one, a orange one like zeus, and a gray one.