Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Out with the old, In with the new

Over the past couple of months there have been some changes, and over the next few will be some more.

Old: Hurricanes with cheap dark rum (good stuff)
New: Captian Morgan with OJ, Cranberry & Grenedine (YUMMY!)

Old: 94 Ford Taurus (shaggin wagon)
New: 05 Ford Freestlye (not sure of new nick name yet)

Old: Living in someones elses home (in laws house)
New: Soon to be living in own home (our house)

Old: Avia stupid tennis shoes (don't buy that brand they suck!!)
New: Nice pair of New Balance (ahhhhh, much better)

Old: Get rid of old friends (LOSERS!!!)
New: Hmmmm......have no friends!! (just kidding guys, I love you all!!)

Old: Papa Murphy's (work every weekend)
New: Merry Maids (nice paychecks, off on weekends)

I put in my notice today with Papa Murphy's, my last day will be May 5th. I am still going to work every other Sat. at Merry Maids, but I will be off around 4ish, so that will be nice. I will also be around on Friday nights & Sundays.


Nichole said...

Hope Im not an "old" friend *sniff sniff*...

Im SO proud of you for leaving Papa Murphy's! That's great news. Now what's Bill gonna bitch at ya about? LoL

Diana said...


Anonymous said...

f*ck you and moving... where the hell else are we supposed to hang out if the garage isn't available???

i declare shenanigans...