Thursday, September 07, 2006

Things are changing

Things are about to change, actually they already have started. It started tonight with the snake, I had did some research and bullsnakes DO NOT make very good pets. So I had made the decision that we would set him free. So when we went to set him free, we found out that he had already escaped. The funny part about this is that he has been staying in Bill's workshop. So as you can guess Bill was having a fit. Do I mean a fit!! SOOOOO......Mom had to save dads life from the big bad snake. I found him and picked him up and let him go. Bill is happy again. When doing research on snakes last night I did discover that a great beginner snake is a corn snake. They are supposed to be real docile. So sometime next year I will get the kids a cornsnake. Bill isn't to excited about it, but I figured it would also be a good learning expeirence for him also.

Another thing that is about to change is that the kids will no longer as of this weekend have satellite in their rooms, let me tell you they are not very happy about it. I told them that they should be thankful to even have a TV in their rooms!

Something is bothering me:
A person whom I care for posted on their blog finally, and this was the post.

Who your true friends are
I guess its a fact of life. When you break up with someone that you have dated for a LONG time, it is at that point and time that you find out who your true friends are.
You date someone for 9 years. YOU introduce this person to a group of people. You become friends with the same group for at least 6 of those 9 years. You do EVERYTHING with that group and I mean EVERYTHING.
6 years later you find yourself no longer with the person you were dating/living with while becoming such great friends with this group. The group that you thought were your friends suddenly stop calling you, asking you to hang out etc etc.
When He and I first broke up, the one thing I didnt think I would lose,out of everything else Ive lost due to this break-up, would be my friendship with this group. I never thought in a million years that I would become the outcast.
Apparently, I was wrong, thats what I get for thinking.
Its amazing how people can take sides so quickly and believe everything the other person is/has been telling them.
It amazes me that it can be thought that he had no fault whatsoever in this break-up. That Im the reason for this happening. I am completely at fault, to blame. That he is perfect (Which he even admitted to me that he thinks he is).
It amazes me that these people are being told things that are completely untrue, however, since he is telling them, theyre taking it as gospel.
This hurts so much and makes me cry often, but...the one thing I have found out of this realization, is that there is ONE person, out of the whole group, who is truly my friend.... And for that I want to thank her. I know she knows who she is.
A bit of advice to everyone out there that are friends with a couple that are going through a breakup: There is 2 sides to every story. Don't judge until you've heard both sides and know all the facts. Don't take sides. If you were true friends before, you should still be true friends after.
That's all I have to say about that.

Someone awhile back told me about seasonal friends. What is a seasonal friend you ask. Well they are your friend only because they have to be, like saying because of a marriage, or a relationship. But when that marriage or relationship ends then so does the friendship, they were only your friend because they had to be and it was for the season of the relationship. Well.....


I also hope that I don't have any seasonal friends. I am very hurt by this post. I have included this person on several occasions, but have been turned down because of the other person will be there. Don't blame me if you are trying to oust yourself. I have true feelings for you if you are reading this! Please don't be a seasonal friend!

Now I am going to go to bed and irratate my husband!!! Goodnight!


Anonymous said...

this "friend" you are talking about. I was her "friend" when she went through this years ago with her sons father. She somehow always turns out to be the one getting the short end of the stick... Nothing is ever her fault.... Sound familiar? She is the reason why the relationships fall apart and if you do a little bit of research in her life you will see that everything is all about her. Everyone feel sorry for me... The only reason her son is as great as he is because he has a great family on his dad's side. She's a babysitter not a mom think about it.

Karen said...
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Karen said...

And you will never be a seasonal friend to me.

You are my friend all the time. Even when I can't always make it to parties and stuff.

Mindy said...

Well Anonymous - glad I don't have any 'friends' like you!