Friday, January 12, 2007

God bless the children & their families

WOW!! What an amazing day for two families, the Ownby & Hornbeck families. I keep crying, this is just an amazing find for these families. I keep thinking about "what if" it was one my kids. Do you give up any hope after 1 or 2 years? I just can't imagine what these families are going through. 4 years!!! Most families do NOT get their child back after 4 years. I hope this guy who took these boys rots in hell! I don't understand how this guy had Shawn for 4 years and no one knew! Then for Shawn to never say anything to anyone, the poor boy must have been so brainwashed!

Hands of to the Franklin county officers and the Kirkwood police.

Thank God these boys are home safe and sound.


Jen said...

THANK GOD!!!!! For finding those boys!!! That is amazing!!!

AND....thank YOU for FINALLY posting something to READ!!!!

Violet said...

I was watching the press conference with the stepdad of the Hornbeck child... He was very well-spoken and very thankful for everyone who helped to find his child. It truly is an amazing story.

That poor child is going to have some major work to do, psychologically, though. Can you imagine being kidnapped at the age of 11, not going to school, and never telling anyone your true identity for fear that you would be killed? I wish his family strength for the long road of healing that is still ahead of them.