Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Kenny's first baseball game

Kenny had his first baseball game yesterday. I am not sure who won, I had to leave right before the game ended so I could come home & make dinner.

Kenny playing 2nd base

His first time at bat.

Our catcher is a very small kid named Jonah, he is a hoot! He looks so funny in the gear cause he is so small. He loves baseball, if you look he is making signals to the pitcher. (Each coach pitches to his own team) He was cracking us up! Coach kept telling him that he didn't need to do that, but he kept on!
One of our baby bunnies died, so now we only have 2. :(
I love my new purse Paula!!


Violet said...

Too fun! That little catcher would crack me up, too!

Diana said...

Sorry to hear about the bunny.

Hope Kenny enjoyed his 1st game!