Monday, May 15, 2006

The House

Well I applied with some mortgage companies, We were preapproved today. So tomorrow we go out to the house again for a 2nd showing, then Wend. evening we meet with one of the mortgage people. Hopefully within a month or so we should be in a house!! When we were at Chili's for dinner tonight, Bill said that he wants to build a bar in one of the outbuildings. The one that is attached to the workshop, which would work out really good, being that the work shop already has a woodstove in it, and we are taking the garage furnace with us. This is all based upon if we get this house of course. I am kinda of scared cause the pre-approval went so easily. We can't pay full price for the house. If the people who are selling it are not willing to come down on the price, then there is no way we could buy the house. Wish us luck!! By the way, we will be here for Idol tomorrow night. We go to see the house at 5pm, so we should be back in time, if not you guys know how to get in. Just beaware of the big bad dog in our garage!!! :D


Diana said...

Sounds like everything is going great! Wishing you luck that the rest goes smooth too.
Would love to come over for Idol, but Amanda has a school chior concert tonight. (I have to figure out the VCR again to tape it. Thank goodness it wasn't on the final night!) :o)

Nichole said...

YaY!! Glad to hear that! Im sure it will be fine.