Monday, May 22, 2006

Making a decision

Last night we filled out the contract for the house, it is being faxed to the listing agent this morning at 9am, they have until 8pm tonight to decide if they accept it or not. Bill made me choode a closing date last night, I was told that I would have to give something up if they accept the offer on the house. We could either close on the 21st of June, which means we would move the weekend of the 24th, which is also the weekend of The Phantom Of The Opera or close on the close on the 28th of June, and move the weekend of July 1st, which is Mike & Diana's annual party. Soooooooooo I chose the 21st. It is killing me, I have always wanted to go see Phantom, and now I have to possibly give it up. Which is even worse is that we paid $100.00 a ticket to go!!! It was hard!! I tried to talk Bill into the June 14th, but he said no, because our mortgage lady said she really needs a full 3 weeks. It is 3 weeks but, if they except we still have negotating to do after we get the appraisal and building inspection, and they said figure a week for that. Anyway as disappointed as I am about giving that up, I am also very excited and can not wait for this day to get over with. I wish I had a cell phone, cause Krystal is going to call Bill's cell today if she hears from them before 5pm, after that she will call us here at the house. So if they decide early in the day, I have to wait until I get home and see Bill, and if he knows I will have to pry it out of him!!!!

1 comment:

Diana said...

You can always still go to Phantom in the evening. We'll just have to start moving at the crack of dawn and finish up the next day. There is also time to move some things on that Friday evening too. (All of this, of course, will be with the help of your friends I am sure.) ;o)