Sunday, April 08, 2007

Holy Crap!!

I have a really big my music file on my computer. I just didn't know how big until I did a count of artist then albums.

I have 319 different artist in my music folder, with a total of 499 full cds. I was so shocked that I had to count it a total of 3 times. WOW! And to think I have a list of cds that is all new stuff that I would like to add to my collection. I have a total of 7,061 songs.

All of those cds were all WMA's, and they are now MP3's, I just opened up alot of space on my hard drive. I guess you can say I like my music.

My project list in this order, for as soon as the weather turns warm again.

1.Paint the front doors to match my shutters.
2.Paint & swap rooms.
3.Paint the kitchen cabinets.

After that I am not sure what I am going to do, hopefully the dry wall will be taped & mudded in the living room, then I can paint those rooms. It is really hard once you have your heart set on paint colors, to sit around and wait for work to be done. It is killing me. I just want to get it done.

I watched the movie Click last night, it was very good!! I cried my eyes out!! I also watched tonight, The Green Mile. I havn't seen it since it came out, I forgot how good of a movie that is. I had also forgot how frickin big Michael Clarke Duncan is.

Only 2 more week until Hereos returns!! I can't wait.

Time to hit the hay! Night all!

1 comment:

Violet said...

Hey, Chris - I know what you're saying about being impatient about wanting stuff done. Threaten Bill that if he doesn't get a move on, you're going to do it yourself. Knowing Bill (and his semi-chauvinistic ways) this may motivate him! Then again, it may backfire and you may have to do the work yourself....