Monday, April 30, 2007

Project #1.....Done!!

Finally the 1st of my projects is done!! The doors are painted! I am not so sure if Bill likes it, but I do! Kayla & I also went Sunday and spent $150.00 on flowers. We bought 3 flats,4 hanging baskets,9 tomato plants,1 hot pepper plant,2 hostas, & 2 raspberry bushes. Everything is planted except for the 2 hostas. I have yet to figure out where the hell to put them! They need to be planted in a part shade area, and everything is full sun. So the next project will be the room swap & painting. Which includes the surprise for Kayla. I think when I go buy the paint for our rooms, I will take Kayla with me and have her get a bunch of paint colors to help decide what she wants, then I think I will paint her room before I move her into it.

Not much else has been going on, I got my first sunburn of the year today. I also got really lucky with a near DF disaster! That was really scary, my heart was pounding. But it is all good now. Also booked the campsites for the family trip. The dates are Aug. 3-6 for anyone who wants to joins us. Of course you don't have to stay all those days. Bill & I have been wanting to stay the extra day for awhile now, and this year we will.
I used something new to send out the Memorial weekend party invite, I am not sure if anyone got them or not, so we are going to have a BBQ & bonfire on May 26th. Bring lawnchairs, a dish, & BYOB. It starts at 2pm.
I am outta here, I need some sleep, tomorrow is the field trip to Busch stadium with all of the 2nd graders! Wish the cards were in town. Since they aren't there won't be that chance to meet any of them.

1 comment:

Violet said...

The doors and shutters look very nice. Good job!

Dave and I have tickets to the ball game on the 26th... I'm not sure if it is an afternoon game or not, but we may not make it to the BBQ.